Category: Sécherheet
Third step – Finally
So finally i realized the final configuration on my network. I integrated my Security Gateway into my network and i am enjoying the statistics the thing is showing me. I am fully satisfied for the moment. For sure i am hoping for more options especially some kind of protection for children or other non wanted…
Why you should not use any public wifi…
So i fell onto this article which treats security matters of data transfers in networks. And this becomes quiet spooky when you use it in a public Wifi Hotspot. Anyway i do not want to be the guy who only tells people what not to do because bad things could habben. This article is exactly about what…
GCHQ Password Guidance
GCHQ, the UK Intelligence Agency, published a Password Guidance booklet where you can find interesting advice’s on passwords. These advice’s and information’s are interesting for IT Responsible as well as for Private Users. It gives interesting facts on how often passwords are used on different accounts by the same user etc. It might be interesting…
When Real Life meets Security
So these days you can find a few articles in the local and German press where Security and Real Life come together. And it appears that it is more common than we are used to in a negative way. The first articles where I would like to pin your interest to, is a series of…
LUX-NSA Skandal
Lo ass et dann offiziell! Iergendzwousch huet elo iergend een Reporter an Éisträich eraus fonnt dass Internet Leitungen ungezaapt goufen, respektiv opmannst sollten ungezaapt ginn, déi vun Lëtzebuerg oder op Lëtzebuerg feieren! Krass! No X Méint Gebläers an Gestreids an Däitschland hunn mer et elo Schwaarz op Weis (oder digital) wat vläit schonns sou muncher een sech…