Category: Global
RasPad Test
So before getting started, i need to clarify something. I’m not getting paid for anything! This is a personal review and was in no way influenced by anybody! This said, here comes my review. So i fell onto that Kickstarter campaign just before it ended and quickly decided to give it a try. Getting a…
Eclipse by Native Union – My first impression
Today I would like to talk about a Kickstarter Project called “Eclipse” I backed a year ago, and where the product was delivered a few weeks ago. I really wanted to give it some testing and usage before producing my review. So first I have to say that the creator Native Union did communicate over…
Bitcoins on the move again
For all those of you, who know what Bitcoins mean, here my call that the game about the evolution of the currency is on again ;-) During the last week, the value of Bitcoins went from about 300$ up to just over 500$ but couldn’t keep it’s value for a long time. In less than…
Baofeng and Pofung Comparisons
I wanted to publish for some time now a very simple comparison of Baofeng / Profung Amateur Radio devices. You can find those devices for a cheap buck anywhere on the net and this is how i fell over them as well a few years ago. Something needs to be said before starting: You need…
Test Samsung S6
Zanter knapps engem Mount sinn ech elo stolzen Besëtzer vun engem neien Samsung Galaxy S6. Ganz kuerz wollt ech verschidden Saachen festhalen déi ech méi oder manner interessant fannen. Iwwerspillen vun den Donnée An der Zäit wor just Apple bekannt fir den schnellen Wiessel vun engem Aalen op een neien Handy. Ech muss soen, an…
LUX-NSA Skandal
Lo ass et dann offiziell! Iergendzwousch huet elo iergend een Reporter an Éisträich eraus fonnt dass Internet Leitungen ungezaapt goufen, respektiv opmannst sollten ungezaapt ginn, déi vun Lëtzebuerg oder op Lëtzebuerg feieren! Krass! No X Méint Gebläers an Gestreids an Däitschland hunn mer et elo Schwaarz op Weis (oder digital) wat vläit schonns sou muncher een sech…