Author: Patrick Zimmer
My first Chromebook
So I’ll be completely honest about this topic. I tried the Chrome-OS a few month ago last year and I was not at all convinced. At a first glance it appeared to me like a not User friendly thing with a complete need of the cloud. And I’m still not reassured to this day for…
RasPad Test
So before getting started, i need to clarify something. I’m not getting paid for anything! This is a personal review and was in no way influenced by anybody! This said, here comes my review. So i fell onto that Kickstarter campaign just before it ended and quickly decided to give it a try. Getting a…
Third step – Finally
So finally i realized the final configuration on my network. I integrated my Security Gateway into my network and i am enjoying the statistics the thing is showing me. I am fully satisfied for the moment. For sure i am hoping for more options especially some kind of protection for children or other non wanted…
Second step – Make my W-LAN big
So after my start with one hotspot I ordered last month one UAP-AC-LR and this month another UAP-AC-LITE from Ubiquity. So my network now counts 3 hotspots, on 3 different floors and it covers most of my home. Maybe next summer I will reorganize everything but I am confident that the system should be able…
First step – Reorganizing my W-LAN at home
So i started of a few month ago to reorganize my W-LAN. The problem is that i need a hotspot on every floor. The concrete is of such good quality that the signal will not pass. Even from the basement to the first floor is such bad quality that it will not pass. When I…
Eclipse by Native Union – My first impression
Today I would like to talk about a Kickstarter Project called “Eclipse” I backed a year ago, and where the product was delivered a few weeks ago. I really wanted to give it some testing and usage before producing my review. So first I have to say that the creator Native Union did communicate over…