Tag: Linux
RasPad Test
So before getting started, i need to clarify something. I’m not getting paid for anything! This is a personal review and was in no way influenced by anybody! This said, here comes my review. So i fell onto that Kickstarter campaign just before it ended and quickly decided to give it a try. Getting a…
Virtual Server made easy
I was shown by a colleague of mine a nice tool I wanted to share. Ever wanted to have your own cheap Linux server on the net? So did I and the prices were not so, let’s simply say, attractive! Either you get a real Virtual Server and these come starting for at least 10€…
pi-top CEED
After a few month of waiting for my second Crowdfunding Project, i finally recieved my pi-top CEED. I aditionally backed the Speaker so this was an Option in the funding. So wanted to Review a litte bit this Project which i followed from the beginning on. First i have to say that the Initiators always…
How To Remote Desktop to your Raspberry Pi
So at some point i wanted to access my Raspberry Pi without the need to have it always hooked up to my (or any) screen. So I looked it up and collected all the needs and the problems with its solutions. First of all, you need a running Wheezy installation. It needs to be hooked up…