Category: DIY
First step – Reorganizing my W-LAN at home
So i started of a few month ago to reorganize my W-LAN. The problem is that i need a hotspot on every floor. The concrete is of such good quality that the signal will not pass. Even from the basement to the first floor is such bad quality that it will not pass. When I…
Managing multiple WordPress Sites
So do you need to update more than one WordPress Site? If this is the case you might look around for managing multiple Sites over a singe interface. A few weeks ago I did have a look into that topic due to the fact that I didn’t want to spend an hour every month logging…
Time-Lapse Project – Part 1 – The Parts
So i had the idea to create a timelapse movie and had been looking for some time to get a “Very long term” timelapse device. You can find quiet a few cameras on the market which do give you the possibility to create such series of pictures, but they all come down to the same…
How To Remote Desktop to your Raspberry Pi
So at some point i wanted to access my Raspberry Pi without the need to have it always hooked up to my (or any) screen. So I looked it up and collected all the needs and the problems with its solutions. First of all, you need a running Wheezy installation. It needs to be hooked up…
GCHQ Password Guidance
GCHQ, the UK Intelligence Agency, published a Password Guidance booklet where you can find interesting advice’s on passwords. These advice’s and information’s are interesting for IT Responsible as well as for Private Users. It gives interesting facts on how often passwords are used on different accounts by the same user etc. It might be interesting…