So I had been looking for a new QI charger for my Samsung phone and guess what!? I did not buy my new device at any IT or Phone shop but i bought it at a furniture shop! But why that?
When i had a look at various models on the standard online shop’s, I realised that most of these chargers were very small, as small that even the phone often had more than double of it’s size. So putting the phone onto one of these chargers always is tricky to find the right place. And then i found out that IKEA has a few new devices which do give the possibility to charge via QI. So why don’t you take a look at them. They are not to cheap but i think they do look better than most other devices and you might even integrate it into existing furniture. Nice ideas! I like it and the devices works as it should! I even got a second USB port. |
Ech wor op der Sich no engem neien QI Chargeur fir mäin Samsung Telefon an ech hunn dat Gerät net an iergend engem Spezialiséierten Geschäft kaaft, mä am Miwwelbuttek!
Wei ech mech ëmgekuckt hunn an deenen üblechen Online Geschäfter hunn ech festgestallt dass déi meeschten Chargeuren immens kleng sinn an dacks den Handy méi ewéi duebel esou grouss ass, esou dass et net ëmmer einfach ass fir déi richteg Positioun ze fannen dass en direkt luet. An dunn hunn ech eraus fonnt, dass IKEA puer nei Geräter am Sortiment huet, déi eben d’Méiglechkeet ginn iwwert QI ze lueden. Se sinn zwar net ëmmer ganz bëlleg, mä ech fannen se gesinn gutt aus an et kann een se souguer an Miwwelen integréieren. Mir gefalen hier Saachen an d’Gerät funktionéiert wei et soll, souguer mat engem extra USB Port. |
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